Archive for March 29th, 2009

In the beginning…
March 29, 2009

all was created and it was good. 

Since then, we have done all we can to ruin what was a perfect place and have made it the fallen world we live in today.  Our selfish desires and prideful pursuits continue to send us down the path of destruction.

In the midst of this there is hope…(which people obviously long for, especially after you look at the results of our most recent national election here in America).  

The only real answer is (just like it always will be) that hope can only come from the One that possesses ALL things, the One who created ALL things – God Almighty. 

Pursue Him through the Savior of all – Jesus Christ.  It’s easy, just sincerely cry out to Him, He promises to answer (although it may not be in a way we thought). 

He loves you!!! (and so do I)